Report with us

Dear reporters, photographers,

writeforuscollageWe are always looking for solid reporters and photographers to join our team. If you are someone who turns in solid work, and on time, takes editing and direction well, is a team player and knows 'your' country well  - and how to craft an appealing pitch for US/European/Australian outlets, read on.

ARA builds relationships with editors and among ourselves as reporters. We pitch stories and answer requests from news outlets for help. We vet our people and hope that by doing so, we provide great journalism so the news outlets keep coming back for our reporters, wherever they are, because we deliver great stories, richly reported, clean copy and on time.

How that works in practice is that you the reporter send story ideas to us. We edit them and brainstorm what outlet is the best fit, send them out and hope for the best. If they get accepted, we let you know, provide length, fee and deadline. You do the story and we edit it before turning it in, bill for you and pay you.

Alternatively, editors call us when they need someone anywhere from Greece to Japan. We find them someone and go to work to get them the best story we can, even if that means throwing three reporters on it to bridge the time difference between Europe and the US.

Since we are essentially a collective, we don't usually take a cut of the story unless we have to put a lot of work into it to get it ready for filing. As a result, you are expected to help out when asked and be a solid team player.

You can download our introduction packet here. To join us, please fill out the forms on the last few pages and email them along with a resume/CV, bio, picture and three clips to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Incomplete applications won't be considered.

  - The ARA team

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