ARA's latest stories
Uzbeks breathe a sigh of relief as new leader brings reforms
France's Le Pen sees opportunity in Yellow Vests
Elections in Nigeria come amid hard times
Sibling rivalry splits apart Uganda's Jewish community
Kenyans angered at government for latest Al-Shabab attack
Mali’s slave descendants want law criminalizing slavery
The water politics of Egypt and Ethiopia
The Russian-Ukraine rift spills over into the orthodox church
Islamic State gone, but corruption is back in Mosul, Iraq
In the rural Coptic heartland, shifting Christmas traditions embraced and debated
For Romanians, little to celebrate during centenary revelries
Christians in Uganda demand protection from Muslim extremists
Pakistani Christians remain on edge for the holidays after Asia Bibi's release
J'accuse: long-serving president accused for further delaying upcoming elections in Congo
Putin speaks during press briefing: support for Donald Trump, his personal life and trivialities
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, Christians flock to churches, pray for peaceful polls
Soccer, ultras and civic duty in Morocco
The saga of Hatice Molla Sali: Sharia law and the Greek legal system
Jerusalem casts shadow on Africa's Arab neighbors
Texas man contributing in Libya's reconstruction road
Macron waves white flag to "yellow vests" in a blow to the climate change movement
Selling Brexit: Theresa May making last-ditch efforts to sell her proposed deal
French stingers: Yellow jacket protests in Paris threaten Macron
It's a girl and it's fine
A tiny village in Slovakia shows the rest of Europe how to integrate 'the other'
Dear reporters, photographers,
We are always looking for solid reporters and photographers to join our team. If you are someone who turns in solid work, and on time, takes editing and direction well, is a team player and knows 'your' country well - and how to craft an appealing pitch for US/European/Australian outlets, read on.
ARA builds relationships with editors and among ourselves as reporters. We pitch stories and answer requests from news outlets for help. We vet our people and hope that by doing so, we provide great journalism so the news outlets keep coming back for our reporters, wherever they are, because we deliver great stories, richly reported, clean copy and on time.
How that works in practice is that you the reporter send story ideas to us. We edit them and brainstorm what outlet is the best fit, send them out and hope for the best. If they get accepted, we let you know, provide length, fee and deadline. You do the story and we edit it before turning it in, bill for you and pay you.
Alternatively, editors call us when they need someone anywhere from Greece to Japan. We find them someone and go to work to get them the best story we can, even if that means throwing three reporters on it to bridge the time difference between Europe and the US.
Since we are essentially a collective, we don't usually take a cut of the story unless we have to put a lot of work into it to get it ready for filing. As a result, you are expected to help out when asked and be a solid team player.
You can download our introduction packet here. To join us, please fill out the forms on the last few pages and email them along with a resume/CV, bio, picture and three clips to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Incomplete applications won't be considered.
- The ARA team
The term 'ARA' or 'us' or 'we' refers to the owner of the website whose registered office is 3422 Old Capitol Trail #487, Wilmington, DE, 19808. The term 'you' refers to the user or viewer of our website.
The use of this website is subject to the following terms of use:
The ARA Team
Featured stories
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Will I be able to work with the writers directly?
In terms of turnaround time, what can I expect?
What kind of media does ARA work in?
Does ARA provide content in any other language besides English?
How does ARA work?
ARA supplies media outlets with original written features, audio, video and photography ‘made to order.’ Interested editors can select from the story pitches on our website or from our weekly advisory, or call us if there is a specific story desired that is not listed.
Afterward, we will assign the story to a reporter and notify the editor of their direct contact details.
How do I assign a story?
Click on the story pitch and it will bring you to our assignment desk page with our contact details. You are welcome to telephone, email or fill out an assignment form.
Will I be able to work with the writers directly?
Yes. ARA encourages close cooperation between reporters and assigning editors.
Who will I invoice?
ARA directly.
How much does it cost?
It depends on the medium, length and complexity of the assignment and also whether the outlet desires to hold the copyright. Please contact us for further details.
What will the byline be?
Usually the reporter’s name. If the news outlet desires it, they may use Associated Reporters Abroad or ARA also.
In terms of turnaround time, what can I expect?
That is up to the client and depends also on the type of story. We encourage deadlines to be negotiated at the time of assignment. Stories can range from a one-day turnaround to several weeks or even months depending on length.
What kind of media does ARA work in?
We provide content for print, online and electronic media as well as photography and video.
Which regions does ARA cover?
Our clients can arrange for us to cover a story anywhere in Europe. For other regions such as North Africa or the Middle East, we can arrange coverage on request.
Does ARA provide content in any other language besides English?
Generally, no. Although on request, we can arrange to provide content in French, German and Spanish.
Associated Reporters Abroad (ARA)
Associated Reporters Abroad/ ARA Network Inc.
3422 Old Capitol Trail #487, Wilmington, DE 19808 USA
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- "career": positions?
- signup-link writers
Ethics guidelines
Associated Reporters Abroad (ARA) aims to provide our clients with services that meet the highest standards of journalism. It is the responsibility of all journalists in our network to gather and report information accurately, honestly, fairly, respectfully and impartially. All journalists must be free of obligation to any interest other than the public’s right to know.
ARA's mission will not permit bias through distortion, withholding, or manipulation of facts or elements of stories. Because facts can be subject to different interpretations, ARA strives to present all information in an ethical manner that conveys – fairly and honestly – the widest range of views applicable.
All journalists working for the ARA Network accept these standards and will:
- Strive to present our print, broadcast and multimedia news material in a way that is balanced, accurate, and fair to ensure and maintain public trust.
- Evaluate information solely on its merits as news, rejecting sensationalism, or misleading emphasis in any form.
- Clearly label opinion and commentary.
- Promptly acknowledge and correct errors of fact, bias or omission.
- Avoid making false representations to obtain materials from those who might otherwise object to providing them.
- Protect confidential sources. Contributors should only promise confidentiality only with the intention of keeping that promise, and do so only in cases of absolute necessity.
- Accurately attribute material and quotes and never plagiarize.
- Avoid stereotyping by race, gender, creed, age, disability, sexual orientation, physical appearance or social status except in cases when it is relevant.
- Inform news sources when conversations or interviews are being recorded.
- Avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information except when traditional methods will not yield information vital to the public. Identify themselves as a journalist, avoid posing as anyone else.
- Not, except in exceptional circumstances, submit questions in advance for an interview, and avoid having quotes or parts of stories released to your sources before publication or broadcast. Individual quotes may be read back to a source to assure accuracy.
- Be sensitive when seeking or using interviews or photographs of those affected by tragedy or grief or when gathering and reporting information may cause harm or discomfort.
- Recognize that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves than do public officials and others who seek power, influence or attention.
- Understand that only an overriding public need to know can justify intrusion into privacy.
- Respect everyone’s right to a fair trial but balance it with the public’s right to be informed. Be cautious about identifying juvenile suspects or victims of sex crimes.
- Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived.
- Remain free of associations and activities that may compromise integrity or damage credibility. Resist pressure by advertisers and special interests to influence news coverage. Make no promises to report or promote materials without true news value.
- Refuse gifts, favors, fees, free travel and special treatment, and shun secondary employment, political involvement, public office and service in community organizations if it will compromise journalistic integrity.
- Avoid misleading re-enactments to tell a story; if it is necessary to stage a re-enactment, clearly label it as such.
ARA consulted the US-based Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Code of Ethics to draft this code, and has incorporated parts of it into these ethical guidelines for contributors and partners.
Our guidelines can be downloaded here.
A copy of the SPJ guidelines is available at the Society of Professional Journalists website.
This Privacy Notice applies to information, including personal information, collected about you by the Associated Reporters Abroad (ARA)
Information We Collect
- We collect information from you directly.
Uses / Information Sharing
- We use the information we collect to provide the products and services you request
We may share your information
- when required by law and/or public authorities
- with our third-party service suppliers, including those who work on behalf of ARA
We take steps to keep your personal information accurate. You can view, correct, or update the contact information you provide ARA
Important Information
- We take steps to keep your personal information accurate. You can view, correct, or update the contact information you provide ARA.
- ARA is committed to working with you to obtain a fair resolution of any complaint or concern about privacy.
- ARA complies with country data protection laws.
- We cooperate with country data protection authorities if they believe a privacy problem has occurred.
How to Contact Us:
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Do you need a story, photo or video from Morocco? Kazakhstan? Sierra Leone? We can help. With journalists around the world, editors can assign the coverage they need. Alternatively, ask us for pitches, if you want a story on a confilct or an eleciton or anything else.
ARA's reporters are professionals, most with a lot of experience in journalism and in their respective countries. We vet our people because they reflect all of us – as result, you get solid reporters who can tell a story, carefully verify their reporting and write cleanly and elegantly. Also, ARA can work easily on cross-border stories because we are a team that spans borders, and we work closely together.
Rates: We work within news outlets' set rates.
Deadlines: These are negotiated during the assigning process.
Quality: We are careful about whom we choose to let into the network.
Paperwork: We fill out the freelance agreements and tax forms once, and it takes care of it for all ARA journalists.
Location: We have reporters in dozens of countries. If we don't, feel free to ask and we'll look via our networks.
Getting started: Write to us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at +1240-454-5390 or +491728122363 (WhatsApp)
The ARA team
Dear editors, news directors,
Do you need a story, photo or video from Morocco? Prague? Kazakhstan? We can help. With our team of reporters and photographers around the world, you can assign the coverage you want or ask us for pitches; After, you can work directly with the reporter/photographer directly to shape it to your outlet's specs. ARA's reporters are professionals, most with a lot of experience in journalism and in their countries. We vet our people because they reflect all of us – as result, you get solid reporters who can tell a story, carefully verify their reporting and write cleanly and well. Also, ARA can work easily on cross-border stories because we are a team that spans borders. Rates: We work within news outlets' set rates. Deadlines: These are negotiated during assigning process. Quality: We are careful about whom we choose to let into the network, and edit each other's final work before it is filed. Paperwork: We fill out the freelance agreements and tax forms once, and it takes care of it for all of us. Location: We have reporters in dozens of countries. If we don't, feel free to ask and we'll look via our networks. Geting started: Call us at +49 30 27890186 / +49 172 812 2363 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The ARA team |
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